Sunday, March 29, 2009

Not getting job interviews

This is a side topic that has nothing to do with Business or IT and its projects, processes or risks but this will focus on your personal job seeking process and we will try to put some optimization to this very important goal.

Here are few high levels points that you should consider before starting to find a job;

Your resume should be so good that, it should be hard for people to not to call you.

Now the question is how can you draft a resume that will catch recruiter or employers attention.

I understand and the recruiter understand that you have done so many good things in your professional life that you want to provide as much information as you can but one thing that you are forgetting is that recruiter or employer does not have time to go through your resume in detail. It is actually the first or sometime first half of the page that will either get you an interview or your resume will become part of the other 99% of the resumes that gets archived for maybe next time. You want to be part of 1% not 99%.

Resume Template

For any further help please contact

To master the art of job interviewing, please contact via email or through my website.

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